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Addition of Whole Numbers

Addition is bringing two or more numbers (or things) together to make a new total.


There are 7 oranges in one basket and 4 oranges in the other. How many oranges are there in all?

To find the total number of oranges, we should add 7 and 4.

To add 7 and 4, we can count forward 4 steps from 7.

The symbol used to indicate Addition is + (plus symbol).

So, 7 and 4 can be written as 7 + 4

Therefore, there are 11 oranges in total.

Vertical Addition

Numbers can also be added vertically.

Let’s add 57 and 16 vertically.

The numbers with more than 2 digits can also be added vertically. We always start adding from the ones digit and move towards the digits at the highest place.

Sample Problems:

Try solving the questions below!

  1. 4792 + 100 = ?

  2. 500 + 120 = ?

  3. 300 + 8 = ?

  4. 20 + 30 = ?

  5. 16 + 9 = ?

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